International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy
Journal | Volumes
2281-9177 (online)
sdvig press
Conception of nature as foundation of a non-fundamental ontology
Vol. 1/2
Alessio Rotundo
Phänomenologie und Wissenschaft
Vol. 1/1
Bernhard Waldenfels(Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
Naturalisierung des Geistes oder Natur und Geist?
Eduard Marbach(University of Bern)
L'idea della riduzione
Dieter Lohmar
Subjektivität, geschichtliche Praxis und Naturerkenntnis
Michael Städtler
Maurice Merleau-Ponty e la verità del naturalismo
Diego D'Angelo(Wurzburg University)
Michela Summa(Wurzburg University)Pietro Giuffrida
On naturalism in pain research
Saulius Geniusas
Naturalism and transcendentalism
Jeanne-Marie Roux
Husserls Fundierungsmodell als Grundlage einer intentionalen Wertungsanalyse
Sonja Rinofner-Kreidl(University of Graz)
Metodo scientifico ed analisi fenomenologica dell'esperienza
Vittorio De Palma(Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies)
Réflexions épistémologiques à propos de la perception spatiale
Luciano Boi
Can subjectivity be naturalized?
Lynne Rudder Baker
Andrea Altobrando(University of Padova)Alice Pugliese(University of Palermo)
L'incanto della natura
Danilo Manca
Real naturalism v2
Galen Strawson(Texas University at Austin)
Naturalismo scientifico e naturalismo liberalizzato
Mario De Caro
Lost in phenospace
Jan Slaby(Freie Universität Berlin)Jan-Christoph Heilinger
Naturalistisches Menschenbild und die einzigartige Person
Matthias Richter
Von Pyrrhon zu Husserl
Klaus Held
Reduction to evidence as a liberation of thinking
Shigeru Taguchi
The "Morbid fear of the subjective"
Antonio Nunziante(University of Padova)
Transzendentalität und Generativität
Vol. 1.1
Alexander Schnell(Wuppertal University)
The transcendental and its metamorphoses in modern thinking
Gaetano Rametta
Transcendental philosophy and the problem of necessity in a contingent world
Julia Jansen(Husserl-Archives, KU Leuven)
Transzendentalphilosophie und Idealismus in der Phänomenologie
Sophie Loidolt(TU Darmstadt)
En-deçà du transcendental
Jean-François Lavigne
Eine peinliche Verwechselung
On the transcendental
Andrea Altobrando(University of Padova)
On transcendental and non-transcendental idealism in Husserl
Vol. 1.2
Ein Kippbild? Realismus, Idealismus und Husserls transzendentale Phänomenologie
On the transcendental - Part II
Replik auf Loidolts und Jansens Kommentare
Extreme obviousness and the "zero-person" perspective
Vol. 1.3
Transcendental philosophy and difference in Emil Lask
Simone Furlani
The transcendental side of Gilles Deleuze's "Becoming minor"
Paolo Vignola
Nishida Kitarō's awakened realism
Yuko Ishihara
On the transcendental – Part III
Simone Aurora(University of Padova)
Fare critica con la fenomenologia
Vol. 10/2
Elena Billwiller(University of Padova)
Empathy, togetherness, familiarity
Vol. 10/1
Lucy Osler
The judgment of history
Christophe Bouton(Bordeaux Montaigne University)
Reflection of historicity
James Dodd(New School for Social Research)
Variations on familiarity in self-transcendent experiences
Jérôme Dokic
Time and revolution
Guelfo Carbone(University of Rome 3)
History of survivors and history as countertime
Orietta Ombrosi(Sapienza University of Rome)
The question of history in Jan Patočka's Heretical essays
Nicolas de Warren(Penn State University)
Familiarity and togetherness
Sonia Maria LiscoLinas TranasSimone Aurora(University of Padova)
Familiarity and forms of life
Sonia Maria Lisco
The varieties of historical experience
David Carr(Emory University)
Going home alone?
Erik Dzwiza-Ohlsen
On history
Joseph Cohen (University College Dublin)Raphael Zagury-Orly(Catholic Institute Paris)
Two types of togetherness in shared emotions [and many other collectively intentional states]
Mikko Salmela
Futurités de l'être : entre le "mourir" et le "vivre" de l'Autre
Joseph Cohen (University College Dublin)
Affective familiarity and the experience of home
Olli-Pekka Paananen
Interroger l'histoire
Raphael Zagury-Orly(Catholic Institute Paris)
Feeling the extraordinary in ordinary language
Francesca Ervas
Lyotard, the end of metanarratives and the memory of the Algerian war
Cedric Cohen-Skalli(University of Haifa)
On ecological apocalypse
Georgios Tsgadis(Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Dare forma alla mente
Nicola Turrini(Verona University)
From the field of consciousness to the social field
The center for the study of philosophies and childhoods (NEFI)
Vol. 11/1
Walter Omar KohanDaniel Gaivota ContageCarlineide Justina da Silva Almeida
The problem of movement in phenomenology between the philosophy of reflection and Neoplatonism
Vol. 11/2
Outline of a critique of public philosophy
Lucia Ziglioli
Movement and meaning
Tone RoaldSofie BoldsenSimo Køppe
Philosophical problems in the classroom
Luca Zanetti
Phenomenology in motion
Roberta Lanfredini
Du "mouvement dansant" au "se-mouvoir"
Charles Bobant
IiNtetho zoBomi: Conversations about life
Lindsay-Ann Kelland Pedro Tabensky
What is the form of reasoning involved in philosophical dialogue
Enrico Liverani
Il problema della prima natura in Merleau-Ponty
Marco Barcaro
Luca ZanettiNicola Zippel
La concept de mouvement dans l'Auseinandersetzung d'Eugen Fink avec la pensée grecque
Teaching argumentative skills with LEGO
Menno M. van Calcar
Ontology and phenomenology of movement
Marco BarcaroDragoş Duicu
Le tout de l'appartenance et le mouvement du monde
Dragoş Duicu
Storia della filosofia e pratica della conversazione filosofica
Luca Mori
Jan Patočka: perché il movimento?
Per una didattica della fenomenologia
Stefano Gonnella
Questioning the digital lifeworld
Markus Bohlmann
Aristotle and Koyré: from motion as process of formal actualization to inertial motion as state
Irene Breuer(Bergische Universität Wuppertal)
Conflict at the heart of the human
Claudia Francesca Martiriggiano
Time and movement
André Dias de Andrade
Life in motion
Lutz Niemann
Da-sein as being elsewhere
Mădălina Diaconu(University of Vienna)
Who is the subject of the school?
Gianluca Solla
Una proposta di filosofia per le scuole di ogni ordine e grado
Annalisa Caputo
Synästhetische Einheit der Wahrnehmung und Bewegungserfahrung
Karl Mertens(Wurzburg University)
Categorial pluralism
Vol. 2/2
Elmar Holenstein
Human rights in a plural ethical framework
Vol. 2/1
Pierfrancesco BiasettiFerdinando G Menga
Being almost there
Knut Skjærven
On virtuality
Ilaria D'AngeloNicoletta Scapparone
Le virtuel et le transcendantal
Elisa BellatoIstván Fazakas
Pour une relecture de l'Antigone comme tragédie du nomos
Fabio Ciaramelli
Phenomenology and non-conceptual content
Corijn Van Mazijk(University of Groningen)
The ethical implications of human nature and posthumanity
Sangkyu Shin
Die Inszenierung des Virtuellen
Hans Rainer Sepp(Central European Institute of Philosophy, Univerzita Karlova v Praze)
Storie, ipotesi, gradi di verità
Venanzio Raspa
Phenomenologizing McDowell
Diritti umani, valori e nuove tecnologie
Benedetta BisolAntonio CarnevaleFederica Lucivero
Towards a phenomenological analysis of virtual fictions
Bullshit as the absence of truthfulness
Michael R. Kelly
The reflective nature of moral rights
Horacio Spector
Human rights and the forgotten acts of meaning in the social conventions of conceptual jurisprudence
William E Conklin
Von der fehlenden Begründung zur prekären Bezeugung der Menschenrechte
Burkhard Liebsch(Hermann-Schmitz-Forschungsstelle, University College Cork)
Diritti umani e ragion pratica
Francesco Viola
Oscar Wilde et le portrait surréel d’un désir invisible
Frank Pierobon
La concretezza dei diritti umani
Baldassare Pastore
Social networks as inauthentic sociality
Tanja Staehler
Democrazia e diritti umani
Edoardo Greblo
The revolutionary past
Peter Fitzpatrick
La doppia forza dei diritti
Tommaso Greco
The "Right to the event"
Costas Douzinas
Deleuze and phenomenology
Stephan Günzel
La classe come metodo
Pietro Maltese
Menschenwürde und Menschenrechte
Hans Jörg Sandkühler
Phénoménologie de la virtualité
Shin Nagai
Becoming "better than human"?
Pierfrancesco Biasetti
About virtual experience
Roberto Diodato
L'interprétation dans son espace phénoménologique
Vol. 3/1
Pierluigi Basso Fossali
"Ciò che realmente una cosa è"
Sebastiano Vecchio
De deux discours l'un
Dominique Ducard
Le figural entre imagination et perception
Valeria De Luca
Experience and value
Vol. 3/2
Roberta de Monticelli(University Vita-Salute San Raffaele)
L'immanence sémiotique
Waldir Beividas
Phenomenology meets semiotics
Göran Sonesson
Supervenience and the theory of experience
Michela Summa(Wurzburg University)Emanuele Caminada(Husserl-Archives, KU Leuven)
A dilemma for anomalous monism
Brian P McLaughlin
Phenomenological ontology and supervenience
Andrea Zhok
Mereological foundation vs. supervenience?
Supervenience and the social world
Daniel Little
Purified by supervenience
Joseph A Corabi
Phenomenology and semiotics
Antonino BondìFrancesco La Mantia(University of Palermo)
On the boundaries of cognition
Francesca Forlè(University Vita-Salute San Raffaele)
Expression diacritique et sémiogenèse
Yves-Marie VisettiDavid Piotrowski
Phänomenologie und Transzendentalphilosophie
Human embodiment
Richard L Lanigan(International Communicology Institute, Washington, DC, USA)
Formes de vie
Jacques Fontanille
Touch, communication, community
Garnet Butchart
In principio c'è il corpo e... l'anima
Franco Lo Piparo
Il ritorno dell'altro nel discorso che lo interdice
Sara De Carlo
Une réflexion herméneutique et anti-linguistique sur la langue dans le cours de Vladimir Bibikhin
Vol. 4/2
Emanuel Landolt
Phenomenology as philosophical method
Vol. 4/1
Giovanni Piana
Speaking subjects
Beata Stawarska(University of Oregon)
Spatial phenomenology and cognitive linguistics
Johan BlombergMartin Thiering
Interpreting Saussure's differential theory
Lei Zhu
La fenomenologia husserliana del linguaggio alla prova storico/teoretica della sua tenuta essenziale
Filippo Silvestri
Fluctuaction and vagueness
Simona Cresti
A qualified defense of Husserl's crisis concepts
Kenneth Knies
P. Amoroso et alia, Corpo, linguaggio e senso tra Semiotica e Filosofia
Francesco Di Maio
Selbstbegrenzung in einer polyzentrischen Weltgesellschaft
Hans Schelkshorn
From semiotics to grammar
Manuel Gustavo Isaac(School of History, Philosophy, Political Science & International Relations, Victoria University of Wellington)
The current crisis of Europe from a phenomenological/psychological perspective
James Mensch
Phénoménologie et linguistique
Antonino BondìDavid PiotrowskiYves-Marie Visetti
Governing with ideas
Timo Miettinen(University of Helsinki)
Conceptualizing and creating a European supra-national democracy
Roberto Castaldi
German(e) encounters with global crisis
Rebecca Dew
The phenomenological reduction
Rudolf Bernet(Husserl-Archives, KU Leuven)
Facing global crisis after Europe
Emanuele Caminada(Husserl-Archives, KU Leuven)Francesco Tava(University of the West of England)
Phenomenology and linguistics
Simone Aurora(University of Padova)Patrick Flack(Fribourg University)
Europa jenseits von Mythos und Aufklärung
Christian Sternad(Fribourg University)
Expression and signification
Rozalia Šor
Elementary recognition and empathy
Vol. 5/1
James Jardine(University of Copenhagen, Center for Subjectivity Research)
Sartre's original insight
Sebastian Gardner
Antworten auf Ansprüche Nachkommender
Vol. 5/2
Apel on Locke on our duty to future generations
Hiroshi Abe
Souls of the departed
in defense of reverence
Eric Severson
Giustizia e generazioni
Mario Vergani
"The poor will never cease"
Rachel Muers
Generativität, Generationen und generative, intergenerationelle Solidarität
The awareness of human finitude and creativity
Gašper Pirc
Il riconoscimento e la possibilità del dire in E. Lévinas
Julia Ponzio
Lessons from anarchist eugenics
Anne O'Byrne
Intersubjectivity and recognition
Elisa Magrì(Boston College)Danielle Petherbridge
The phenomenology of the social world
Dermot Moran(University College Dublin)
Recognition and intersubjectivity in Hegel's philosophy
Paul Cobben
Scheler on shame
Daniel Dahlstrom
Asymmetrical reciprocity
Steffen Herrmann(University of Hagen)
Habermas and the "presupposition" of the common objective world
Matheson Russell
Eugen Fink e la fenomenologia dell'irrealtà
Nicola Zippel
M. de Palo, Saussure e gli strutturalismi
Intersubjectivity, recognition and right
Emily Hartz
Phenomenology and responsibility towards future generations
Matthias FritschFerdinando G Menga
The destitution of words
Vol. 6/1
Jakub Kowalewski
War and sacrifice
Vol. 6/2
Poetic sensibility, poetic practice
Richard Marklew
Wolfgang Palaver
The cognitive value of modernist literature
Leen Verheyen
Linguistics, semiotics, and cognition
Francesco La Mantia(University of Palermo)
Sacrifice as a political problem
Francesco Tava(University of the West of England)
Christ's wine consists of German Blood
Philosophie als Literatur bei Nietzsche, Deleuze und Borges
The staging of play
Nikolaas Deketelaere
Visibilité et témoignage dans le récit "La Métamorphose" de Franz Kafka
Arthur Cools
De un vacío aparente
Guillermo Moreno Tirado
The eclipse of the transcendent and the poetics of praise
Ulrika Björk
The economy of sacrifice and embodiment
Meaning, experience, and the modern self
Jacob Rump
Francesco CampanaMario Farina
Literature and philosophical progress
Eileen John
The sacrifice
Alexander Kozin
Modo, Moment, and Modernity
Gianluca Garelli
Shakespeare e il teatro dell'intelligenza
Giovanni Bottiroli
Phenomenologies of sacrifice
Ludger Hagedorn(Institute for Human Sciences)Christian Sternad(Fribourg University)
The concept of literary genre
Stein Haugom Olsen
Understanding literature
Patrick Martin
Embodied symbolism and self-awareness in Merleau-Ponty's interpretation of the unconscious
Vol. 7/1
Jan Puc
Mediation-based phenomenology
Vol. 7/2
Lavoro e attenzione
Francesca Simeoni
Disenchanting Christendom
Uroš Milić
Look, no hands!
Arianne Conty
Singularity as becoming oneself through others
Kym MacLaren
Is there a problem of writing in historiography?
Natan Elgabsi
Mediational contents as propositional constituents
Carlos Mario Márquez Sosa
Review M. Ferri (ed.), The reception of Husserlian phenomenology in North America
James C. Hart
At the limits of one's own body
Dylan Trigg(Phenomenological Psychopathology and Philosophy of Psychiatry, FernUniversität Hagen)
El otro-(de lo)-mismo, interioridad y singularidad
Jacopo Vignola
Transsexualität nach Jacques Lacan
Ulrike Kadi
Self and singularity
Till Grohmann(Wuppertal University)Stefan Kristensen(Strasburg University)
Experience as mediation
Antonino Bondì
The mediating character of sign
Marcello Ghilardi
Richard Stone(Hokkaido University)Takeshi Morisato(Sun Yat-sen University)
Metaxological intermediation and the between
William Desmond
Tra esperienza e dovere
Vol. 8/1
Marco Deodati(University of Rome Tor Vergata)
La fiducia come sentimento positivo e come risposta della persona dotata di rilevanza etica
Vol. 8/2
Paola Premoli De Marchi(University of Padova)
Democracy as a social practice
Christine Chwaszcza(Cologne University)
On liking and enjoyment
Íngrid Vendrell Ferran(University of Frankfurt)
Aristotle and Husserl on feelings in moral sense
Making out sense of the social world
Raffaela Giovagnoli(Lateran Pontifical University)Jacopo Marchetti(University of Florence)
Zur Notwendigkeit eines "Ministeriums für kollektive Phantasiepflege und Transgression"
Dominik Finkelde(Munich School of Philosophy)
Wears and tears of the European humanities
Schmerz und Hegung
Albert Dikovich(University of Constance)
Institutionen und Revolution
Thomas Bedorf(University of Hagen)
Empathy, sympathy, compassion
John Drummond(Fordham University)
On institutions
Giacomo Croci(Freie Universität Berlin)Selin Gerlek(University of Hagen)
Gilles Deleuze e il problema dell'istituzione
Claudio D'Aurizio(University of Calabria)
La gratitude peut-elle être une Stimmung?
Claude Romano(Sorbonne University)
Personale Verantwortung und die Ambivalenz der Institutionen
Tammo Mintken (University of Kiel)
Mythopoetic naturalization
Vol. 9/2
Bryan Smyth
New hypothesis for a diagrammatic thought
Vol. 9/1
Luigi Zuccaro(University of Milan)
Saulius JurgaKonstantinos Kavoulakos
Llull and Peirce's diagrammatic logics
Fernando Zalamea (National University of Columbia)
Immediacy and experience in Lukács's theory of reification
Iaan Reynolds
The social life of things according to Marx and Lukács
Christoph Henning
The ethical demands of reification
Richard Westerman
Temporal display of gestures in diagrammatic proof
Bruno Leclercq(Liège University)
Reification and the real
James Swindal
What does reification conceal?
Todd Hedrick
Bringing reification back to work
Mirela Ivanova
Diagrammatic gestures
Francesco La Mantia(University of Palermo)Maria Giulia Dondero(Liège University)
Towards a critique of reification as a critique of forms of life
Tivadar Vervoort
Reification of life-time
Svetlana Sabeva
Machenschaft y reificación
César Gómez Algarra(Universidad de Valencia - Université Catholique de Louvain)
De-sostantivare i verbi
Silvestre Gristina
Lukács's two concepts of nature
Andrew Feenberg
Living in a state of molecular aggregation
Matthias Lievens
Reification as an ontological concept
Michael J. Thompson
Diagrammes et catégories ou comment s'orienter dans la pensée
Charles Alunni(École normale supérieure)
Du virtuel à l'actuel, les diagrammes et leurs gestes
Noëlle Batt(Paris University 8)
Lucien Goldmann redivivus
Christian Lotz
De la pratique mathématique à la philosophie des pratiques
Fabien Ferri(University of Burgundy Franche-Comté)
Analysis, constructions and diagrams in classical geometry
Marco Panza(French National Centre for Scientific Research)
Diagrams - images in the form of texts
Tiziana Migliore(University of Urbino)
Geste de la pensée, gestualité picturale
Maria Giulia Dondero(Liège University)