Conceptualizing and creating a European supra-national democracy
The challenge to save European modern civilization
pp. 75-93
Toynbee suggests that the European Modern civilization is confronted with the existential challenge “unite or perish”. The specific current crises foster de-civilizing processes in European society and politics. Europeans need to decouple state and nation, and demos and ethnos to conceptualize and create a supra-national and post-national democracy. This attempt has a global historical significance for the prospects of a new global order, based on a peaceful process of pooling and sharing of sovereignty, to cope with global problems.
Publication details
Published in:
Tava Francesco, Caminada Emanuele (2016) Facing global crisis after Europe. Metodo 4 (1).
Pages: 75-93
Full citation:
Castaldi Roberto (2016) „Conceptualizing and creating a European supra-national democracy: The challenge to save European modern civilization“. Metodo 4 (1), 75–93.