Du "mouvement dansant" au "se-mouvoir"
Les phénoménologies du mouvement chez Erwin Straus (1930-1935)
pp. 205-222
In this paper, we attempt to highlight the evolution of the concept of movement in Erwin Straus’ phenomenology between his 1930 article “Die Formen des Räumlichen” and his 1935 book Vom Sinn der Sinne. In 1930, movement is understood as Bewegung, i.e. as induced, or indirectly caused, by feeling. In 1935, movement becomes Sich-Bewegen. It is no longer induced or caused by feeling, but identifed with feeling, which means that movement becomes intentional. This theoretical evolution, which Straus downplays in Vom Sinn der Sinne, went unnoticed by commentators on his work, particularly Henri Maldiney and the philosophers who drew inspiration from his reading.
Publication details
Published in:
Barcaro Marco, Duicu Dragoş (2024) Ontology and phenomenology of movement. Metodo 11 (2).
Pages: 205-222
Full citation:
Bobant Charles (2024) „Du "mouvement dansant" au "se-mouvoir": Les phénoménologies du mouvement chez Erwin Straus (1930-1935)“. Metodo 11 (2), 205–222.