
International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy

Journal | Volume | Article


Prior, translational semantics, and the barcan formula

Jack Copeland

pp. 3507-3519


The revolution in semantics in the late 1960s and 1970s overturned an earlier competing paradigm, ‘translational’ semantics. I revive and defend Prior’s translational semantics for modals and tense-modals. I also show how to extend Prior’s propositional modal semantics to quantificational modal logic, and use the resulting semantics to formalize Prior’s own counterexample to the Barcan Formula.

Publication details

Published in:

Albretsen Jørgen, Hasle Per F. V., Øhrstrøm Peter (2016) The logic and philosophy of A. N. Prior. Synthese 193 (11).

Pages: 3507-3519

DOI: 10.1007/s11229-015-0955-2

Full citation:

Copeland Jack (2016) „Prior, translational semantics, and the barcan formula“. Synthese 193 (11), 3507–3519.