
International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy

Book | Chapter


Psychiatry and philosophy

Erwin Straus

pp. 1-83


Psychiatry is a branch of medicine. The professional training of the psychiatrist, like that of all other physicians, is controlled by the State, the practice of his profession State-supervised. Nevertheless, psychiatry cannot be easily fitted into the series of other specialties either limited to the treatment of particular organs or distinguished by the application of special procedures.

Publication details

Published in:

(1969) Psychiatry and philosophy. Dordrecht, Springer.

Pages: 1-83

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-87984-5_1

Full citation:

Straus Erwin (1969) Psychiatry and philosophy, In: Psychiatry and philosophy, Dordrecht, Springer, 1–83.