
International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy

Book | Chapter


Some leading concepts of phenomenology

Alfred Schütz

pp. 23-39


An unsigned booknote in an issue of the American Sociological Review, discussing phenomenological literature, regrets that these writings are almost inaccessible even to many philosophers, to say nothing of social scientists. "We must apparently wait for popularized interpretations before much can be said about the relations of phenomenology and the social sciences."1

Publication details

Published in:

Natanson Maurice (1966) Essays in phenomenology. Den Haag, Nijhoff.

Pages: 23-39

DOI: 10.1007/978-94-017-5403-3_2

Full citation:

Schütz Alfred (1966) „Some leading concepts of phenomenology“, In: M. Natanson (ed.), Essays in phenomenology, Den Haag, Nijhoff, 23–39.