
International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy

Journal | Volume | Article


Ellipse et syntaxe de concordance chez quelques grammairiens classiques

Geneviève Clerico

pp. 43-56


GENEVIÈVE CLÉRICO: Some classical grammarians' conception of ellipsis and the syntax of concord. Linacre, Sanctius, Lancelot, Du Marsais and Beauzée ail made use of ellipsis in the various parts of linguistic analysis (morpho-syntax, lexicology, semantics) and they all suggested highly interesting theoreticaljustifications for its «foundation». First, a few salient points on «reconstruction» and «suppletion», key elements in the organisation of «grammaire générale», are reviewed. This is followed by a more specific study of the potentialities of ellipsis applied to the syntax of concord, since the use of ellipsis for complement government is more generally known. Is is a fact that the restitution of a basie canonical form by rewriting, controversial though it may be, is more readily accepted in the treatment of syntactic concatenation and of intra-propositional relations than in concord phenomena, just as well described by syllepsis, the only figure of substitution that these grammarians still include in their methodological framework. We test the usefulness of ellipsis for a satisfactory treatment of «concord through meaning» (conceptio), or to account for the contrast between «generic» and «specific» terms. We are led to conclude that ellipsis is unable ta throw light on certain linguistic facts.

Publication details

Published in:

(1983) L'Ellipse grammaticale. Histoire Épistémologie Langage 5 (1).

Pages: 43-56

Full citation:

Clerico Geneviève (1983) „Ellipse et syntaxe de concordance chez quelques grammairiens classiques“. Histoire Épistémologie Langage 5 (1), 43–56.