
International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy

Series | Book | Chapter


Sense and comprehension

Gustav Špet

pp. 145-167


From the problem of giving expression to experiencing and ideal intuitions we proceeded to one lying deeper in the foundation of phenomenology itself and therefore to one of general, fundamental importance, namely the problem of objective structure. Proceeding by way of the question of the relation between positional acts and the sense in a positum we return again to the problem of expression, thougha completely generalized, so that the solution to it has equal significance for both intuitive as well as intellectual cognition. What is more, we find revealed in this generalization a new sense to the problem of "actual being" and the fundamental significance of this problem for all of philosophy, a fundamental significance that reduces our entire set of questions and doubts to one central point.

Publication details

Published in:

Špet Gustav (1991) Appearance and sense: Phenomenology as the fundamental science and its problems. Dordrecht-Boston-London, Kluwer.

Pages: 145-167

DOI: 10.1007/978-94-011-3292-3_8

Full citation:

Špet Gustav (1991) Sense and comprehension, In: Appearance and sense, Dordrecht-Boston-London, Kluwer, 145–167.