Jan Patočka
phenomenological philosophy today
pp. 3-6
The concept of "heresy" in Patočka's late texts is ambiguous and open to many interpretations. It could perhaps be explained in the context of phenomenology itself as a sort of drifting away from the original, Husserlian foundations towards a dynamic understanding of intentionality as including "operative concepts," i.e., shadows, blind spots, irreducible non-evidences, in its complex dynamics. This then highlights the phenomenological mode of thinking as a development of the critical attitude (qua care for the soul). Heresy means going beyond the limits of phenomenology as an act of fidelity and adherence to it.
Publication details
Published in:
Abrams Erika, Chvatík Ivan (2011) Jan Patočka and the heritage of phenomenology: centenary papers. Dordrecht, Springer.
Pages: 3-6
DOI: 10.1007/978-90-481-9124-6_1
Full citation:
Petříček Miroslav (2011) „Jan Patočka: phenomenological philosophy today“, In: E. Abrams & I. Chvatík (eds.), Jan Patočka and the heritage of phenomenology, Dordrecht, Springer, 3–6.