Victor Gerald Rivas López
XA phenomenological approach to earth oblivion and human unbalance in "koyaanisqatsi"
in: The cosmos and the creative imagination, Dordrecht : Springer

On mystery of sky and earth in Camus' "The exile and the kingdom"
in: From sky and earth to metaphysics, Dordrecht : Springer

De la afinidad ontológica entre corporalidad y cine
in: Fenomenología del cuerpo y hermenéutica de la corporeidad, Madrid : Plaza y Valdès
On the dialectical condition of the purity of poetry, love and madness in tarkovsky's homesickness
in: Art, literature, and passions of the skies, Dordrecht : Springer

On the metaphysical brutishness of life in the light of Zola's the human beast
in: Destiny, the inward quest, temporality and life, Dordrecht : Springer

What maisie knew in what maisie knew
in: Destiny, the inward quest, temporality and life, Dordrecht : Springer

Ecce homo: on the phenomenological problematicity of the religious image
in: Art inspiring transmutations of life, Dordrecht : Springer

On the poetics of cinema in the light of the present culture
in: Art inspiring transmutations of life, Dordrecht : Springer

The only star in a nihilist heaven
in: Art inspiring transmutations of life, Dordrecht : Springer